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Bob the Bathroom Spider

Andy Perrin

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Bob the fluorescent bathroom spider, glowing cheerfully. All my spiders are named Bob. This is Bob XXI, 21st of that name, King of the Corner, Rawr Rawr Ferocious Monster, roughly 4-5mm. When you are smol, the kingdom is vast.


Sony A7iii (stock), Zeiss T* UV cut filter, Nemo torch, EL-Nikkor 80mm/5.6 lens. F/16, ISO8000, 1/13" (handheld, with some wall support)



With the bathroom lights on (and a different WB):



Visible light only (earlier in the day)


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I read somewhere that 99% of house spiders are female looking for a good time. After the photo shoot, I hope you told her this is not a Gentlemen's club and it's time to hit the brothel down the street.


Great pics Andy.

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Wery beautiful photos Andy
My wife never disturbs the spiders in our house

but we don't have such big and beautiful guests

The only spider I hate is the little red spider (Tetranychus urticae) 0,5 mm

that attacks the plants that I shelter at home in winter such as ficus, dracena, kentia, anthurium etc.

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Only very tiny spiders are allowed to stay. The magnification of the above images was about 3x, so technically not “macro” if “macro” means 1x. 

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I had to work up the nerve to look, but happy that I did.

Good work.


For years I was terrified of spiders. When I began to make botanical photos, I became fascinated by the crab spiders on flowers. And then began to be less frightened by them. Eventually I lost most of my fear of them. I'm still a bit skittish if I suddenly spot something crawling towards me. But now I'm able to offer them a new home back outdoors where they can find dinner more easily than in the house. It still takes me a minute or two before I can click on a spider topic.


I now think that crab spiders are cute little things even though they are fiercely predatory. I will now name them Bob. Or Bobette.

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