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Old Trucks, Becker County, Minnesota

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These pictures provide more of a test for the Tamron 17mm lens and record some vehicles I passed when on the way to the Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge. It was a dark day with poor UV flux, but flat-calm conditions enabled me to stage 30-second exposures at ISO 100 with the A900 and a U360/S8612 filter. Display intent is BGR. Sprinkling rain was an annoyance, as you may see: my brain was rewriting a certain old song to go "Raindrops keep falling on my lens." I think these vehicles may be old enough that some of the paints may have been lead-based, though not a lot remains.




This second photo looks almost monochromatic. Can you spot the color?



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Old cars make great subjects for UV.

I think I see some color on the side of the headlight. Or is that a rust patch?


In both photos, I'm seeing some kind of flare or light leak or hotspotting along the bottom of the photo, mostly on the bottom right half??

This slightly lightened version shows it better.





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I have had some issue with the homemade filter holder for this lens threatening to slip loose--perhaps there was a bit of a light leak around the edge. Or maybe it was water on the lens. The asymmetric placement in the frame argues against its being a hot spot--I have only rarely seen examples of such that were not centrosymmetric. The day was heavily overcast without any specular light source, so one might think that flare was not the most likely. But who knows. I agree that it is annoying.


Yes, there are traces of paint on the headlights.

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Yes, I think that must be it. It's hardly noticeable, but could cause later problems.


I'm wondering what kind of truck is that 2nd one? Anybody know?

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