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UV laser used to hack into a BankID chip


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As far as I understand from the sometimes not sufficiently detailed discussion, a UV laser was used to interfere with the inner workings of a secure chip similar to an old-style BankID chip to a sufficient extent to read some of its supposedly private internal data.


In another article, a VIS laser was used to transmit commands to the microphone of a smart speaker (not as sound but directly as inaudible laser energy, even through windows): https://www.pcmag.com/news/lasers-can-hack-your-smart-speaker

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Well, that is a bit scary! All the cards are chipped these days.

Hackers will always find a way, it seems.

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Once your item is in physical hands of a hacker,  you're done.

Would be better to install a second battery that you could remotely activate to wipe the data with multiple cycle of random bits once you triggered it stolen. 


The second light hack is a great reminder that light is a wave and made up of particles. 


The scarier hack I read about was a music file that could be purchased and played that activated the speaker to play the purchased music,  but also the microphone.  As the music played,  it listens to the bounce back from objects in the room and maps out where everything is and sends all the data and location to the file seller. Like echo location. 

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