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Slovenian Waters in IR Chrome

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Hi everybody. I realy like taking images of nature, especially creeks and rivers. In the last years I have been doing a lot of panoramas using conventional cameras. Last week I went to beautiful Slovenia. As I still have not progressed further on the topic of wetplate emulation, I have been taking my full-spectrum camera with me while visiting Slovenias Triglav Nationalpark to try taking my first infrared panoramas.


Fuji X-E1, Full-Spectrum, Fujinon XF 14 2.8 F 8/10, ISO 100. KolariVision IR Chrome 58 mm Filter. Tripod with single row nodal-point-adapter. 2s self timer. Stitched using Kolor Autopano Giga 4.4 - Panini Projection (a mix of planar and cylindrical I think).


What I really struggle with is white balance. Is there a proper way to do it?



Kind regards,


[Group 3]-DSCF6124_DSCF6128-5 images.jpg



[Group 6]-DSCF5893_DSCF5901-9 images.jpg

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Thank you for your critique. These are the first color IR that I edited. I don't have a good workflow yet. I just import to LR, randomly choose a whitebalance, correct the exposure a bit, sharpen and adjust the detail sliders and choose a film simulation. No channel swap, no adjusting curves for RGB channels or anything.


From your critique I gather that I should improve something :D Do you mean like this ?


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I have two tricks with the IR Chrome. The first is to use it with a polarizer. This may give the sky and water some strong blues and make a nice contrast with the foliage. It's OK to put the IR chrome in front of the polarizer if that that has enough threads to keep it secure.


The second trick is push the camera raw pretty hard. I push the color mixer so the oranges are redder maybe more saturated. Sometimes I break the picture and get chroma halos. I'm kinda chasing the reds I've had with IR trichromes.


Here is an IR Chrome picture just shy of breaking the color. It's a Nikon Tokina 11-20 on a Sony New 5n. Me trying to get used to suburbia.




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The last incarnation of the Ektachrome Infrared, EIR, was designed for processing in some 'magical soup' almost no usual lab could handle, so it was run through standard E-6 instead. This resulted in gaudy and garish colours, in particular reds, which came out oversatured and with massive lack of detail. Contrast overall was high and lacked all of the delicacy seen by the older film I abhorred EIR after having used its predecessor, IE 2443, for many years. However, the latter required E-4 and lab processing service for this film disappeared. Thus a digital approach was the only option in the last two decades.


The best digital substitute known to me is the venerable Fuji S3 Pro UV/IR Limited edition (a 'full-spectrum' factory version of the standard S3). The successor S5 Pro is a better camera in most ways, but tends to lack the subtle quality of false-colour emulations the S3 was capable of. An orange O56 Nikon filter and the old 35-135mm f/3.5-4.5 Zoom-Nikkor completed the setup. Converting the Fuji RAF files was a nightmare, but doable and the outcome to my eyes was a near facsimile of the old IE film, before the horrible EIR.


An example follows,



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wow. these images look a lot different from mine. With another shot I made in Slovenia (the one below) I have tried to emulate the look, but I have trouble doing so, I do not like losing the detail. In your shot Birna and in the one made by KaJashey to trees still have detail, in the image by KaJashey the trees bloom. In all my images, the trees do not show this.






My vacation ended, but today we went to the woodlands in Germany. I tried a polarizer, but it was a misty day, so it did not work well.

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10 hours ago, jscff said:

wow. these images look a lot different from mine. With another shot I made in Slovenia (the one below) I have tried to emulate the look, but I have trouble doing so, I do not like losing the detail. In your shot Birna and in the one made by KaJashey to trees still have detail, in the image by KaJashey the trees bloom. In all my images, the trees do not show this.

My vacation ended, but today we went to the woodlands in Germany. I tried a polarizer, but it was a misty day, so it did not work well.



i tried to edit your jpeg
if you have the RAW format it is much easier and cleaner.


EIR was born for scientific and military uses, I don't like emulation ... I converted this image to BW ... it's much more beautiful.



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