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Nothing's wrong. I'm just distracted.

Andrea B.

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Every 100 years in my life there is a conjunction of Events* which proves distracting, confusing, complex and tiring. I don't know about you, but I think it has been seriously weird** here in the US recently. "-)


Meanwhile, I've used up quite a lot of nervous energy working on the landscaping around here. This involves moving lots of rocks. Now my arms are strong enough again to handle that big brick of a converted S1R which I recently bought from a UVP member. Very nice camera!


I will be back after election day in the US (Tuesday 03 Nov) --- regardless of how it turns out.


As said by the Greek poet, Hesiod (c.700 bc),

Observe due measure; moderation is best in all things.



*Events: Pandemic + Crazy American President + BIG US Election + Personal 2000 Mile Move



  • Unmasked political rallies which have lead to over 700 deaths (as per Stanford University).
  • Masked drive-in rallies during which car horns blast one's ears to smithereens.
  • Wear a mask in some locations and get accused of being a "radical leftist hippie".
  • Don't wear a mask in some locations and get accused of being a potential "narcissist murderer".

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Glad you are OK. I started wondering why you didn't login for over a month. Yes, this year has been pretty wild, and we have seen everything, including the attitude of some people regarding the pandemic. I really believe emergency situations like these show either the best or the worst of people, and you understand who uses his/her head and who doesn't. And usually bad people overshadow good ones, so you see the bad side overall. It is tiring in the long run.
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Glad you're okay, Andrea. It is certainly getting weird out there and my money is on it getting weirder before things calm down. But one way or another, they will calm down.
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Really glad your ok. I got worried when you didn't respond to my S1r thread.


But I know busy. I have been looking at many high priority COVID drugs and haven't had much time for imaging.

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Bill De Jager

Good to hear you're doing fine, Andrea. But don't forget the famous saying of apocryphal origin:


Even moderation should not be taken to excess



I was going to riff off Cadmium's idea by suggesting wearing rabbitbush flowers in your hair, given your new location in the western U.S. and the fact that it's a composite that blooms late in the year. But then I remembered that it doesn't have the best smell: https://www.birdsout...oactive-bushes/ . That's why the Latin name is Ericameria [Chrysothamnus] nauseosus. It's also probably past its blooming period this year. On the plus side it's widespread in every western state in many arid and semi-arid environments. I must say that this plant has brightened up my October visits to the Eastern Sierra in California. Maybe next time I'll think to try photographing it in UV, though wind can certainly be a problem in the field.

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Deer will not eat rudbeckia.

My comment was based on Andrea being accused of being a 'hippie' for wearing a mask.


"If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair"


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