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Just a couple pics

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Was looking for something else and ran across these two pics.

The first one is a swapped around version of a 570nm shot (Schott RG570) from last summer.

(Finley National Wildlife Refuge)



The second shot is an EIR/Aerochrome simulation, post processed from a Tiffen #12 (minus blue) filter shot. It is from a few years ago.

The Fly and the Lizard (Mt. Shasta)


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How long did that fly last with Mr Lizard there ready to pounce? Terrific photo!!


The 570 does make for a nice RB swap.

Currently the only software I have which can do an RB swap is Photoshop Elements 11. And it takes lots of shenanigans to accomplish it. It is time to look into some new app because an RB swap is a good technique to have available. A couple of times I've gotten cool results from an RB swap in a UV file.

(Off topic, but interestingly, I've been getting an interesting RB emulation from the B410 filter.)

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Is that first one an RB swap? I would have taken it for something else..


Andrea, can you not swap channels with the channel mixer in Photoshop (or the equivalent in other software?)

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Andrea, I don't think the fly was eaten.

The 570nm shot is not a RB swap, it is closer to a red = blue, green = red, blue = green mix using Photoshop Channel Mixer.

570nm is next door to 590nm, which is famous for RB swaps that render yellow foliage and blue skies.

We have Colin to thank for the Hoya B-410 filter.


Colin, Thank you, and thanks for the B-410 too! ;-)


Clark, right, It isn't the RB swap.


Thanks Andy. :-)

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Clark - I don't have a subscription to 'Big Photoshop" to be able to use its Channel Mixer. And my Little PS Elements does not have a specific channel mixer. But with layers I can create the individual channels by using an R, G or B Multiply layer over the original photo.
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You can channel swap in NIH ImageJ (ADDED: And probably better in ImageJ2 but I am not into 2 yet.)

To say the interface is Spartan would be an understatement but it is free. B)


Fiji, which is a dressed-up version of ImageJ is also free.

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