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Improved portrait


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I wondered what people thought of this, massively improved from my last attempt. I'm pretty happy with this, although the framing and the hair could both be cleaned up, and I need to bounce some light back under the chin (with aluminum maybe?)



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I had to hunt up your previous portrait and this certainly looks a lot better to me despite the fact I still can't say I favor the BGR swapping.

Not saying it is wrong, just not my taste I suppose.


Good job! What have you done differently?

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Cheers John, and thanks for adding the link,


I took Andrea's advice (and portrait logic) and moved to 2 flash heads at 45 degrees rather than a single on camera flash.

I also used my new filter, U-360 1mm, which reduced the exposure some, and when combined with the extra flash got the shadow noise down


This one is actually not BGR, just white balanced and then worked up in Photoshop, when I did the swap before I hoped for a more 'natural' look to the skin but actually it ends up overly green and if you remove the green it ends up rather monochromatic, which defeats my idea of doing them in colour. Open to suggestions on how to make the colours interesting without being garish though

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